This is a welcome card from yesterday. The mood of this card indicates a happy, and buoyant attitude within yourself. You may not realise it yet, but it's going to come at some point today.
Sometimes this card represents the perfect control between your consious mind, and the unconsious mind - not yet realised. In other words; this card cannot be too negative in its presence. Delays may be causing you concern, but they are minor.
Success is indicated by the Sun card; you have nothing to hide. If you have been true to yourself then you will have been true in all your essence as a human being; right or wrong. The intention was pure.
This card can also be linked to children, and the pleasure one has from having, or knowing children that bring happiness into your life.
On another level; it can signify the sun of a warmer climate. If you're there.. enjoy this time. Or, if you are thinking of booking that summer holiday, maybe today is the day to so!
Overall, the card indicates you will find some personal happiness today, which will make you thankful for having done so.
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