Monday, January 3, 2011


This is a card of harmony and well-being within yourself, and reminds us to be thankful for the abundance we have in our lives.

The card can indicate the birth of an idea or project.  Alternatively, it also has strong maternal influences and may indicate the birth of a child - not necessarily your own, perhaps someone you know and care about has some news?

If you are experiencing delays in your life or a project make sure it isn't your own insecurities and self-doubt that is holding things back; if so, the key is to keep believing in yourself. 

Ultimately, this card reminds us that we all have the potential to be happy and successful.  In other words spiritual abundance means true contentment must come from within first.

1 comment:

  1. The card can indicate the birth of an idea or project. Alternatively, it also has strong maternal influences and may indicate the birth of a child - not necessarily your own, perhaps someone you know and care about has some news?

    Please God ...not baby number three Colin ...even he couldn't of found baby mama number 3 that quick ?! LOL


DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM... but with a twist!

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM... but with a twist!
Click on the card to reveal...